Patrol, Willmar

Stingray and I shared a relatively quiet evening in which we encountered some broken glass and a stray cat. Our interview was, I think, longer than he intended so that some who arrived home early were surprised to see Stingray in the dining room. Let’s say that cutting people’s feet […]

Portraits, Geist

This is the first portrait session I’ve done since working at Picture People…the difference is unbelievable but challenge never disappears. Instead of creating endearing photographs of crying children, I’m charged with making intimate, telling images of a real life superhero without showing his face. Thankfully Geist and I get along […]

Placing the Place

What’s the point in beautifully lit ‘sense of place’ photos when all the ‘action’ photographs take place under cover of night? Why do I go out each twilight attempting to capture the essence of the city when the rest of my schedule takes me other places? Even if we find […]

Galactic Pizza

Here’s a small taste of the pizza place where delivery drivers dress as superheroes. And in all sincerity, the pizza’s pretty good. I associated the people and attitude there with my days working at Medieval Times; most of your best friends are co-workers, the get-up is a little humiliating, and […]


For those of you who haven’t experienced enough mustache with my previous posts, here’s the 2-minute audio slideshow I did for class to accompany my article & layout. Lastly, our assignment for the Picture Story final is to create a multimedia piece after revisiting one of our previous stories. I […]

Friends of the Shelter Dogs

Audio slideshow seems to be the name of the game this quarter. I took Audio Reportage this quarter to try new equipment and really get the hang of ambient, but found myself instead fully engrossed in interviews. Our final is to create a 2-3 min audio slideshow and after chasing […]

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