Internship: Day Two

Although less thrilling than last Sunday, today was still a blast. This time I followed Colleen (gasp, a girl!) to a local art gallery and the county fair. The painters we met plugged Paint Annapolis, which Sarah and I were planning on attending anyway. They do painting competitions and just […]


Me, to Bob: “I’ll drop by tomorrow at 3. I just need you to read over my goal sheet (they’re really simple goals, I promise) and sign that we can achieve them. The other is a packet saying basically I will actually be doing work and not picking up your dry cleaning that just needs one signature. Also, Brian asked me to set up a shrine for him somewhere near his old desk. I said that probably wasn’t going to happen.” Bob, to me: “OK, great. Say, on your way in, would you mind stopping by Admiral Cleaners on Taylor Ave and…….. (Just a joke, I swear). –BobG.” Also, I love four-hour computer classes that are basically self-study. Not really, but I do appreciate the internet. Hopefully this will give me enough time throughout the semester to set up a real professional site, […]

Internship: Day 0

I went in to The Capital yesterday to meet the guys (and apparently, one girl!) in the photography department. Everything was so laid back I wonder how they get work done. Not really, but the environment is pretty chill for a newsroom. I love local papers. Technically I’ll be interning […]

Moving Right Along

After a summer as Senior Assistant at The Picture People, going through three Studio Managers, several employees and thousands of customers… I quit. I can’t work for a company that discourages me from attending college and encourages me to demote myself rather than attend management training. I woke up every […]

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