Quaker meetings and dog shows. It makes a much better song title than a day at work. The dog show wasn’t a real dog show, it was a practice dog show for people who want to go to real dog shows. I went out with Colleen again and we met some pretty interesting (and rich) people. The best part (other than socializing with precious and well-behaved dogs) was probably junior dog handlers, who were absolutely ADORABLE. One six-year-old boy named his dog after his kindergarten girlfriend, who soon after dumped him. If the link works, you can see Colleen’s photo of he and Lydia here.
Since this is my personal blog and not a newspaper, please enjoy these shots without identifiable minors in them.
These shots were taken with a D3. My only complaint is that I didn’t encounter any low-light or fast-moving situations with which to really test the beast. The staff photojournalists shoot on Continuous, but I’m still in the mindset of “the decisive moment.” Even so, set on ISO 1000, and shooting shutter preferred at 1/600 of a second… holy crap. My D70 could have taken photos indistinguishable from these due to the lighting situation, but the settings used to achieve these shots just blows my mind.
Moving on.
The Quaker meeting was a silent vigil for United Nations Peace Day or something of the sort. When Colleen and I arrived there were THREE Friends in the room sitting, with their heads down, in silence. You can bet the paper didn’t run those photos.
I didn’t shoot anything worth mentioning, although I did really want to submit my wide-angle shot of the three old ladies in a very empty room. Not to win the Pulitzer, just to show the editors what stupid assignments they send us on.
All in all not an exciting day, but local news can’t always be exciting, especially on Sundays when Colleen, myself, and Frank the security guard are the only people in the building. At least we have the police scanner to keep us company and let us know if anything terribly important happens while we’re within hearing distance.
So far my first day was the most exciting, but everything is still great. I’ve not actually had the opportunity to shoot by myself, which isn’t a complaint. They already have staff photographers scheduled for all of the Sundays I’m oming in, so it looks like I may not get to shoot on my own until they’re understaffed on a day I don’t have class. Again, not a complaint. Interns are supposed to have training wheels, right?