Jacksonville: the Other Youth

I don’t know what I’m trying to say with my essay anymore. In contrast to the loud, rambunctious children, here are my two favorite boys. I see the friends as old men in training, standing around, talking about the good old days. They used to be able to wander the […]


This weekend I was relieved of the bulk of my work and told to focus only on light. It seems counter-intuitive, since photography is scientifically, invariably, about light. You can’t take a photo without light. So photographing only light seems, I don’t know, both impossible and inevitable. Please enjoy this […]

more kids

Another day at the Creative Endeavors Workshop last Friday. My goal is to visit them one afternoon a week for their 90-ish minute program, in order to break up the monotony of Jacksonville (both for my sanity and for variety in my grad review).

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