Post #28

Finally, photos from the wedding I helped shoot in April are up, over here. I do another wedding on Monday as well.

Barring a call back from the Howard County Library system, I’m giving up on finding a full-time job that won’t make me miserable. Instead, I think I’ll go back to school for a little while. Next week, when I can make time, I plan on running down to AACC and signing up as a full-time student seeking a certificate in Photography (which will only take three semesters).

Life is busy, but that just means that paychecks are (relatively) big.

Exciting Update, 11:12PM 6/6/07: I’ve signed up for four classes in the fall: Photoshop 1, Photography 1, Color Theory, and Intro to Journalism. It should be the easiest semester of my life. The photographs of Lori’s wedding are on display here. I promise to comment on all of you (etc etc) once this week of craziness is over.

1 thought on “Post #28

  1. Oooohhh…pretty pictures!!! They look awesome! You did a great job. They look so professional. YAY Heather!

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