Hey. You can stalk me / purchase from me on Etsy now. I’m starting small, with four photos from one series. I’ll expand if anyone actually buys anything. : ) http://www.etsy.com/shop/tickmoo
Month: January 2010
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of avoiding and running away. The grad school appliations are in, work is the most boring part of my life, and I found another Matt. Last weekend, we went to New York City for a book release/concert, and secondarily a Tim Burton exhibit and […]
Traditionally Speaking
Year-in-review (stolen from last year’s post; many answers remain the same). 1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? — took a spontaneous vacation, drank beyond drunk, met a boy from the internet, packed up my parents’ house, spontaneous glorious BBQs, stood in a friend’s wedding, […]