Please allow this image to speak as to my day as an intern at The Capital. Sundays bring the best and worst. Yes, that is a helicopter dropping packets of candy over a football field while hordes of children (and their parents) wait in anticipation. Yes, it is five days […]
Month: October 2008
CAT Career Panel
Usually I don’t go to these kinds of things, and when I do, I find the people trite or the message useless. This time, however, was completely different. So here’s a panel that 1) is relevant to my life 2) is required for class 3) I have to photograph 4) […]
Interning, Continued
This weekend happened to be one of the most amazing things ever, which is needed considering that for the rest of the week I have two projects, a test, a cold, and my period. But I didn’t say all of that out loud. Also, the gear shift on my car […]
Internship: Day Six
The paper had no assignments for us today, so Paul and I trolled Annapolis for fun things happening. Despite a BEAUTIFUL fall day, very few people were outside for us to stalk. Rather, everybody and their mother attended the US Sailboat show this weekend and thus all of America descended […]
Internship: Day Five
Obligatory blog post after interning… I think I’m getting the hang of things. Still haven’t gone out on my own yet, but that’s mainly because I haven’t had the time. Working six days a week at the castle (in the dark, with broken computers), interning Sundays, class Tuesday/Thursday, and trying […]
In case anyone doubted how amazing I am, please have a photo story. Keep in mind that I do not actually have enough time on my hands to do this for fun; the assignment is for Digital Photography. I really like the first two best, but it takes all of […]