In the E-Newsletter today: “Effective January 1, 2007 SU began paying students in accordance with Pennsylvania’s minimum wage law.”
Good job, Susquehanna. And thanks for the $0.25 / hour raise!
Also, thanks a bunch for shortening and rescheduling every single class on the first day of the semester just so we can opt to attend a service commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. I’m pretty sure most schools reward students with a day off instead of confusing them with new schedules.
I guess you’ve been too busy redoing payrolls and schedules to get around to fulfilling the textbook order I placed almost a month ago. I really appreciate your effort.
o_O I am not sure if you are being sarcastic here or not. XD
I am truly the master of sarcasm.
It comes across more effectively in person, I know.
Tara’s sarcasm comment seemed pretty sarcastic to me, O master of sarcasm. 😛