

Its been almost a month since my last post, so, I apologize, but life is still just as busy. I’m waiting to choose one job over another but I’m a Taurus and change is difficult. Last Friday Matt and I went to NYC to see Susquehanna’s orchestra play in Carnegie […]

Oh My

Somehow time seemed to fly when I was in college; friends and I used to joke that ‘college time’ was a way of measuring things in and of itself. But living on my own, taking one class a day, an online class, and working three part-time jobs, time seems to […]


This semester I’m enrolled in Photography II: Color, Techniques of Photographic Lighting, and History of Photography. I had better not figure out, halfway through the semester, that photography isn’t actually that cool. So far this is pretty much the most exciting semester ever, despite that classes don’t start until 2pm, […]

The Change

Since I moved out last month I’ve discovered something extraordinary: between paying rent and cooking my own meals, I don’t want anything anymore. Occasionally I still have the urge to buy something, though last time that happened I bought frames from The Picture People because we were so far from […]

For Sheri

Year-in-review (stolen from last year’s post; many answers remain the same). 1. What did you do in 2007 that you’d never done before? — Earned a BA, moved into a house with friends, painted (walls and canvases), photographed weddings, traveled to San Fransisco, met my nieces, got a pedicure. 2. […]


Moving Out. Man. Life just keeps getting busier. Still need to get a lot of things done. Still no microwave. Still borrowing internet from unscrupulous neighbors. Semester ends tomorrow, still haven’t signed up for classes next semester but that’s my advisor’s fault. Yeah. More later when the internet works and […]

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